Sia market cap


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USD, market capitalization is ? USD with the circulating supply of 250,000,000,000 SCH. Since yesterday this crypto showed the change in the price of ? %. SCH token is trading on 10 active markets with the 24-hours volume of ?

Sia market cap

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USD: 24h Volume $? USD: Circulating Supply: 250,000,000,000 SCH: Max Supply: 250,000,000,000 SCH Market Cap: $566,644,610: Market Cap Dominance: 0.03% Trading Volume: $32,416,229: Volume / Market Cap: 0.0572 24h Low / 24h High: $0.01116868 / $0.01208511: 7d Low / 7d High: $0.01049666 / $0.01133839: Market Cap Rank #104 All-Time High: $0.09286775-87.1% Jan 06, 2018 (about 3 years) All-Time Low: $0.00001262 95074.1% Dec 28, 2015 (about 5 years) Market Capitalization Definition. Market Capitalization measures the total value of a company based on their stock price multiplied by the shares outstanding. This metric is important because it gives you an … 10/2/2021 Sia Market Cap Value. Math. I'd love to get input on this thought experiment and the subsequent math involved, please: I'm trying to work out a rough approximation of Sia's value. I know there are many factors that may make this number clouded but even a crude range will be helpful.

The pool attempts to provide downside protection during a market crisis and the potential to sidestep or even profit from prolonged stock market declines. The Pool invests in individual securities and ETFs to offer global exposure. The long-short balance is based on SIA Wealth’s Relative Strength methodology and the SIA Equity Action Call TM.

Sia market cap

Statistics. The Siacoin price is currently $ 0.012093 with a 24-hour trading volume of $ 46.14M across 19 exchanges. The SC price is up 5.31% in the last 24 hours. The Siacoin price prediction sentiment is currently bullish.

Market Cap: $9,161,999: Market Cap Dominance: 0.00% Trading Volume: $16,403.37: Volume / Market Cap: 0.0018 24h Low / 24h High: $0.209857 / $0.242214: 7d Low / 7d High: $0.196050 / $0.226598: Market Cap Rank #838 All-Time High: $0.409104-44.1% Feb 22, 2021 (16 days) All-Time Low: $0.00000542 4221038.0% Sep 30, 2019 (over 1 year)

The most important features of Sia can only be accessed by using 6/6/2020 There are currently 19 Siacoin exchanges where you can buy, sell and trade Siacoin (SC) with a total 24-hour volume of $ 26.69M. You can buy Siacoin with USD, EUR and KRW fiat currencies. Siacoin can be exchanged with 4 cryptocurrencies. You can also buy Siacoin with and Tether stablecoin.

Sia market cap

2/6/2020 Statistics. The Siacoin price is currently $ 0.012093 with a 24-hour trading volume of $ 46.14M across 19 exchanges. The SC price is up 5.31% in the last 24 hours. The Siacoin price prediction sentiment is currently bullish.

Sia market cap

$38.24M. Market cap. $557.18M. Circulating supply. 47.25B. 24H | 7D | 1M View live SIA chart to track its stock's price action. Find market predictions, C6L financials and market news.

USD: Circulating Supply: 250,000,000,000 SCH: Max Supply: 250,000,000,000 SCH Market Cap: $566,644,610: Market Cap Dominance: 0.03% Trading Volume: $32,416,229: Volume / Market Cap: 0.0572 24h Low / 24h High: $0.01116868 / $0.01208511: 7d Low / 7d High: $0.01049666 / $0.01133839: Market Cap Rank #104 All-Time High: $0.09286775-87.1% Jan 06, 2018 (about 3 years) All-Time Low: $0.00001262 95074.1% Dec 28, 2015 (about 5 years) Market Capitalization Definition. Market Capitalization measures the total value of a company based on their stock price multiplied by the shares outstanding. This metric is important because it gives you an … 10/2/2021 Sia Market Cap Value. Math. I'd love to get input on this thought experiment and the subsequent math involved, please: I'm trying to work out a rough approximation of Sia's value. I know there are many factors that may make this number clouded but even a crude range will be helpful.

Sia market cap

Search for stock quotes, share prices, market data and trading information of all equity securities traded on Singapore Exchange. Statistics. The Siacoin price is currently $ 0.012093 with a 24-hour trading volume of $ 46.14M across 19 exchanges. The SC price is up 5.31% in the last 24 hours. The Siacoin price prediction sentiment is currently bullish. Feb 14, 2021 · Siacoin (CURRENCY:SC) traded down 4.3% against the dollar during the 1 day period ending at 18:00 PM Eastern on February 14th. One Siacoin coin can currently be purchased for approximately $0.0127 or 0.00000026 BTC on exchanges.

SC price is up 2.16% in the last 24 hours. Siacoin all-time high is $0.09287 This ATH was reached on Jan 6, 2018.Siacoin price needs to rise 810.11% to reach a new all-time-high.It has a … Find market predictions, SIA financials and market news. View live SIEMENS chart to track its stock's price action.

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The live Siacoin price today is . $0.011539 USD with a 24-hour trading volume of $31,499,203 USD.. Siacoin is up 2.48% in the last 24 hours. The current CoinMarketCap ranking is #97, with a live market cap of $545,178,369 USD. Sia SC, SF - Market Details, Charts and Prices.